Monday 24 July 2017

Reasons why you should start drinking more water right now

Water is an odorless and tasteless liquid that quenches your thirst but lets not stop there because water does way more for your health than you can imagine.

Water can conquers kidney stones; consistently drinking the required amount of water that you body needs daily will cause kidney stones to eventually break-down and then be flushed out of your system through your urine.

It is also believed that water combats cancer. Since cancer is a disease that thrives on fatty and sugary diets. Therefore if you replace those heavily sugar sweetened beverages with water you would be starving those cancer cells to death because this non sugary environment would not be conducive for them to grow and develop.

Water also helps with weight loss since its calorie free. The more water you consume instead of other sugary high calorie beverages the less calories you would ingest which will lead to you losing weight. People who drink mostly water consume 11% or 250 calories less than the average person on a daily basis.

Drinking water may also prevent long term weight gain. In general the average person gains about 1.45 kg (3.2 lbs) every four years.

This may reduce by:

1.    Adding 1 cup of water – increasing your water consumption by 1 cup daily may reduce this weight gain by 0.13 kg (0.23lbs).

2.    Replacing other drinks with water- replacing a sugar sweetened beverage with 1 cup of water may reduce the 4 year weight gain by 0.5kg (1.1lbs)

Children should also be encourage drinking more water as it helps to prevents them from becoming obese or overweight.

A study was done on reducing obesity among children. In this study water fountains were introduced in 17 schools and classroom lessons on the importance of water consumption were provided for 2nd and 3rd grade.
After only one year the risk of obesity was reduced by an unbelievable 32% in the schools that water consumption had                                                                              increased.

How much water do you need?

It is recommend that you consume eight (8oz) glasses of water per day, that about 2 liters of water.

However people who sweat a lot may need more water.

Pregnant women and older people also need to monitor their water intake.

Remember also not to over drink water as it may cause water toxicity. This has caused deaths in extreme cases e.g. water drinking contest.

Symptoms that indicate you are not drinking enough water

1.    You have frequent headaches.
2.    You are always in a bad mood.
3.    You are constantly hungry.
4.    You have trouble concentrating.
5.    Your skin is dry.
6.    Your mouth is dry.
7.    Your hair is brittle and breaks easily.

If you experience some or all of these symptoms then you maybe suffering from mild dehydration, drinking more water would definitely improve this.

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